The Geren Family's Maternity Session at Watson's Bay

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

These are the moments you want to treasure forever.

Watson's Bay was the perfect backdrop for the Geren family's maternity portrait session on the beach.

The light was just perfect for this pregnancy photography session on location even in this colder Sydney weather we have been experiencing.

Outdoor portrait photography sessions allow your toddler to run around, burn some energy and be generally distracted by their surroundings which allows us to create natural images of your child.

Every pregnancy photography session is unique and that's why we love to chat to you about your favourite places and where may be the best place to photograph your memories and growing family.

If you are looking for something out of the ordinary - candid and natural family photos that represent your family accurately give us a call today... we would love to chat to you about your family and how we can best photograph you.
